Back Pain and The Menopause

Back Pain and The Menopause

Menopause marks a significant life stage, but it also brings a host of challenges – one of the most overlooked being chronic low back pain (LBP). Women are more likely than men to experience back pain and its prevalence increases with age. Menopause is often associated with well-known symptoms like hot flushes and sleep disturbances,…

Do Spine Injections Work for Chronic Back Pain?

Do Spine Injections Work for Chronic Back Pain?

Spine injections have long been used as a  treatment for chronic back pain. Yet a new set of international guidelines, published by the British Medical Journal, strongly advises against their use. The question now is: should we continue spending money around the world on a treatment that, according to the latest evidence, doesn’t seem to…

Why an MRI May Not Be the Answer

Why an MRI May Not Be the Answer

Back pain can be frustrating and confusing. Many believe an MRI will reveal the cause, but imaging isn’t always the answer. In fact, relying too much on MRI findings can lead to unnecessary treatments while missing the real issue. Read on to find out why an MRI shouldn’t necessarily be your first choice on your…

New Year’s Resolutions for Your Spine: Banish Back Pain in 2025

New Year’s Resolutions for Your Spine: Banish Back Pain in 2025

As we step into 2025, why not make this the year you finally banish back pain? While exercise and good posture are the usual suspects in spinal health advice, there’s a world of innovative, lesser-known techniques to transform your back.  Step Backwards to Move Forward: Walking Backwards for Lumbar Relief Did you know walking backwards…

How Salt and Painkillers Can Impact Your Health This Holiday Season

How Salt and Painkillers Can Impact Your Health This Holiday Season

As the holiday season arrives, we dive into rich foods and festive treats, often becoming more sedentary.  We may reach for painkillers like ibuprofen to ease back pain, headaches or sore muscles from seasonal activities. But did you know that combining high-sodium meals with painkillers can be risky? Too much salt, which is high in…

Whiplash: What To Do Next

Whiplash: What To Do Next

Did you know that whiplash can result from an impact of just 10 miles an hour? Here we will talk about the most common symptoms of whiplash, why immediate treatment is essential and how you can speed up recovery. Whiplash often refers to a neck injury that comes from a sharp sudden motion of the…

Air travel with back pain - Brighton chiropractor's top tips

Air travel with back pain – Brighton chiropractor’s top tips

If you suffer from back pain, air travel can be daunting. Cramped airline seats and heavy luggage as well as a general change in routine can sometimes cause existing back problems to flare up. But travelling doesn’t have to be hard on your back.  Avoiding back pain during and after air travel is all about…

Walk Your Way Out Of Pain - Brighton Chiropractor on Why Walking Is Essential For Healing Back Pain

Walk Your Way Out Of Pain – Brighton Chiropractor on Why Walking Is Essential For Healing Back Pain

You may have heard that we need to walk 10,000 steps a day. But where does this idea come from? The answer is a campaign from the 1960’s to advertise the Manpo-kei, otherwise known as the ‘10,000 steps meter’. This was chosen for its simplicity and as a way of marketing a product, but not…

Making Sense Of Back Pain Terminology: Brighton Chiropractors Explain

Making Sense Of Back Pain Terminology: Brighton Chiropractors Explain

Have you ever been alarmed by online information about back pain and wondered if it applies to you? Terms like ‘spinal misalignment’ or ‘dislocation’ are sometimes used very loosely on the internet, which can lead to misunderstandings. You might be left wondering how a vertebra (which is firmly attached to all the other vertebrae in…

What is Cauda Equina Syndrome? Brighton Chiropractor Explains.

What is Cauda Equina Syndrome? Brighton Chiropractor Explains.

Disc bulges, also called disc prolapse, disc herniation or slipped disc are common in the spine but most don’t cause any symptoms. When they do cause symptoms you can get back pain and sciatica. With the right chiropractic care most get better in a few weeks. Sometimes, however, the disc bulge is so big it…