Beat The Winter Slump: Why And How To Stay Active In The Cold

Beat The Winter Slump: Why And How To Stay Active In The Cold

Winter’s chill can make us feel sluggish, but staying active is more important than ever. Cold weather often leads to less movement because our bodies instinctively conserve energy to keep warm. Add in shorter days and a tendency to hibernate indoors, and it’s no surprise we feel like curling up under a blanket. However, inactivity…

Are Back Braces Hurting Your Recovery?

Are Back Braces Hurting Your Recovery?

If you’re struggling with back pain, back braces or support belts, which promise relief and support, might seem like a perfect solution. But this shouldn’t be your first choice. Here’s why you should think twice before reaching for a brace – and what can help instead. Back Braces Weaken Core Muscles While a back brace…

Effective Tips For Managing Osteoarthritis Knee Pain

Effective Tips For Managing Osteoarthritis Knee Pain

What do knees need? Do they wear out? It can be alarming when we feel these important joints aren’t up to the job. They’re load bearing, complicated and hard working and so to a certain extent everyone will experience a bit of degeneration of the knee joints. A pain in your knee, especially when caused…

Referred Pain: How Can Back Pain Feel Like Arm Pain?

Referred Pain: How Can Back Pain Feel Like Arm Pain?

Pain in your back tells you when something’s not right but it’s not particularly good at telling you exactly what’s wrong. You might feel a ‘referred pain’ in quite another part of the body – down your arms, your legs, just in a couple of fingers or even in patches on your back  – and…

Making Sense Of Back Pain Terminology: Brighton Chiropractors Explain

Making Sense Of Back Pain Terminology: Brighton Chiropractors Explain

Have you ever been alarmed by online information about back pain and wondered if it applies to you? Terms like ‘spinal misalignment’ or ‘dislocation’ are sometimes used very loosely on the internet, which can lead to misunderstandings. You might be left wondering how a vertebra (which is firmly attached to all the other vertebrae in…

Can Chiropractic Treatment Help Vertigo?

Can Chiropractic Treatment Help Vertigo?

Do you ever feel dizzy and nauseous? Here in Brighton our chiropractors commonly treat that unpleasant sensation of being all at sea (with the accompanying sea sickness). Dizziness or vertigo may have several causes, such as infection of the inner ear (labyrinthitis) or be the result of a neck injury like whiplash. An increase in…

The Hidden Cause Of Neck Pain

The Hidden Cause Of Neck Pain

A pain in the neck is the last thing you want these days. Working on screens and phones means everyone’s in danger of stressing the neck muscles and cervical spine. Chiropractors can perform manual adjustments in this area but did you know there’s a simple exercise you can do to stabilise your neck and relieve…

Shoulder Pain And Sleeping

Shoulder Pain And Sleeping

Painful shoulders make for restless nights. A rotator cuff injury or frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) will naturally affect your sleep but sometimes your sleeping position itself can contribute to shoulder pain. Long-term ailments such as a shoulder impingement are made worse by the pressure caused by those nightly hours spent crunched up in sleep. Many…

Don't Risk Tennis Injuries: Top Tips For Choosing Your Racket

Don’t Risk Tennis Injuries: Top Tips For Choosing Your Racket

Love tennis but hate tennis injuries? Wimbledon has rolled round again and you might be feeling inspired to get out on the court. It’s fantastic exercise, of course, but carries a risk of strains and sprains. It’s not necessarily your technique which is at fault – you also need to get the right hardware for…

Stop Golfer's Back Pain

Stop Golfer’s Back Pain

Don’t let back pain spoil your game. Golfing is great exercise. It has all the benefits of fresh air, long walks and cognitive challenges. But it also comes with risks, such as lower back pain, knee and shoulder strains – not to mention sunburn. Many of these problems can be avoided with a little preparation…