Seven top tips for better walking

Seven top tips for better walking

Do we really need to walk 10,000 steps a day? Well no, because this number has no real research backing it up. Actually it was a Japanese manufacturer who came up with it in 1965 when they made a device called the Manpo-kei which translates to the 10,000 steps meter. It was marketing, not health…

Low Impact Exercise For Bad Backs And Knees

Low Impact Exercise For Bad Backs And Knees

A good workout doesn’t have to include jumping or jogging to be effective. In fact, high impact exercises can be jarring on the body or joints, placing you at greater risk of injuries. If it’s right for you, low impact exercises can improve your fitness and health, without causing harm to your joints. Who benefits…

How to Beat Winter Fatigue

How to Beat Winter Fatigue

The nights are still long, temperatures have plummeted and Covid is not fully behind us yet. From shorter days with less sunlight, changes in hormones and potential nutritional deficiencies, there are so many factors that can contribute to feelings of exhaustion at this time of the year. But here are a few simple ways to…

Design a Year of Abundant Health

Design a Year of Abundant Health

Movement Is Essential Designing a year of abundant health starts with ensuring you’re setting SMART goals and taking proactive daily steps to help your body function at its best. Motion is life. Movement and exercise are the essential foundations to living your best life. Not only does motion help you feel better physically – research…

The Power of Your Health Potential

The Power of Your Health Potential

Beyond Belief? “Your body’s ability to heal is greater than anyone has permitted you to believe.” Not only is that quote inspiring and thought-provoking, but we see the power of health and holistic healing in action every day in our practice in Brighton. Your body truly does have an incredible innate ability to adapt, change…

Creating SMART Goals for Better Health

Creating SMART Goals for Better Health

New Year, New Goals A new year has come again, and that means it’s time to revisit and renew your goals for better health. There’s no better time to evaluate your health, assess your wellness and to start making healthy changes. Goal setting may not be the easiest thing to do but setting SMART goals…

3 Steps to Go from Exhausted to Energised

3 Steps to Go from Exhausted to Energised

Sluggish and Low on Energy? If you’re coming out of the Christmas holidays feeling a little sluggish and low on energy with aches and pains, you’re not alone! Any changes to your regular sleep and exercise routine can impact your energy levels and leave your body struggling just a bit to keep up – without…

How to Reduce Pain and Inflammation Naturally

How to Reduce Pain and Inflammation Naturally

While the inflammatory process is extremely complex, the solutions aren’t. Reducing pain and inflammation naturally is simple with the right strategy. Maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep and exercising regularly are all ways that have been shown to effectively reduce pain and inflammation naturally.   Can Food and Exercise Help?…

How Inflammation Affects Your Body

How Inflammation Affects Your Body

Inflammation is like a ‘check engine’ light for your body. It tells you that something isn’t quite right, and you should pay attention. The first step in discovering the cause of the problem is determining whether you have acute or chronic inflammation. Acute inflammation is short-term and plays a critical role in healing and injury…

Most Chronic Diseases are Linked to Inflammation

Most Chronic Diseases are Linked to Inflammation

One of the most important health discoveries of the past 20 years has been that the immune system and inflammatory processes are involved in nearly every mental and physical health problem we encounter today. It’s safe to say that chronic inflammation is a leading cause of chronic disease. Chronic inflammation is a condition that can…