Effective Tips For Managing Osteoarthritis Knee Pain

Effective Tips For Managing Osteoarthritis Knee Pain

What do knees need? Do they wear out? It can be alarming when we feel these important joints aren’t up to the job. They’re load bearing, complicated and hard working and so to a certain extent everyone will experience a bit of degeneration of the knee joints. A pain in your knee, especially when caused…

Emergency! What To Do For Sudden Acute Back Pain

Emergency! What To Do For Sudden Acute Back Pain

Sometimes you’re just doing a simple, everyday movement – and zap! Your back goes into spasm. The pain is suddenly excruciating, you’re frightened to move and have no idea what’s happening to you. This kind of situation feels like an emergency because the signals your brain is receiving are alerting you to potentially serious tissue…

Can Chiropractic Treatment Help Arthritis?

Can Chiropractic Treatment Help Arthritis?

The term arthritis covers many joint conditions. The symptoms are usually stiffness, reduced mobility and often (but not always) pain. Arthritis often appears after a long period of dysfunction and it can be a result of injury, wear and tear, autoimmune disorders or genetic predisposition. Osteoarthritis is the commonest type of arthritis and is almost…

Neck Arthritis: Why Your Daily Habits Might Be to Blame

Neck Arthritis: Why Your Daily Habits Might Be to Blame

Arthritis – Joint Pain and Stiffness Arthritis is defined as the breakdown of the cartilage around your joints, and this condition can develop anywhere in your body. Neck arthritis is quite common.   Arthritis is actually a normal part of the ageing process. Some of the most common symptoms associated with arthritis (including neck arthritis)…

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What Causes Low Back Pain?

Low back pain is the number one reason people worldwide visit their doctor and miss work. If you’ve dealt with it in the past (or maybe even right now), you know back pain can change your life in an instant. Not being able to enjoy hobbies, difficulty in your ability to work, and a sneaking…

Can arthritis of the spine cause back pain?

Does arthritis, specifically osteoarthritis, cause low back pain? In this video Brighton chiropractor and back pain expert, Matthew Bennett, reveals the answer and explains what osteoarthritis of the spine actually looks like.

Arthritis Pain Compared to Other Joint Pain

Arthritis Pain Compared to Other Joint Pain

Arthritis pain is sometimes confused with other sorts of joint pain. When a joint that is not arthritic is causing discomfort, often it is because the joint is too stiff or is moving too much. This is called mechanical joint pain. “Choosing what sort of pain you have is important so that you can get…

Choosing the right Brighton Chiropractor and Physiotherapist Clinic

Our professional approach, gentle treatment and the great care we take of our clients have helped us become a centre for excellence – and the Brighton back pain clinic that people most prefer. Many people believe they will have to put up with back pain when in fact, prompt treatment can cure back pain for…