Got Back or Neck Pain? Why Wait for NHS Care?

Got Back or Neck Pain? Why Wait for NHS Care?

Waiting times for back and neck pain treatment on the NHS are a problem. When you get to speak to your GP, referral to a specialist service can take many weeks and then treatment often consists of being sent home with a sheet of exercises. The recent Darzi Report shines a spotlight on this growing…

Effective Tips For Managing Osteoarthritis Knee Pain

Effective Tips For Managing Osteoarthritis Knee Pain

What do knees need? Do they wear out? It can be alarming when we feel these important joints aren’t up to the job. They’re load bearing, complicated and hard working and so to a certain extent everyone will experience a bit of degeneration of the knee joints. A pain in your knee, especially when caused…

Can arthritis of the spine cause back pain?

Does arthritis, specifically osteoarthritis, cause low back pain? In this video Brighton chiropractor and back pain expert, Matthew Bennett, reveals the answer and explains what osteoarthritis of the spine actually looks like.