We often blame headaches on things like prolonged noise, too much screen time and changes in air pressure. While these factors definitely play a part, persistent headaches are very often caused by something simple – overworked neck muscles.
Your neck has to put up with a lot. Your head weighs as much as a bowling ball. Not only does it support your head but allows for almost constant movement, swallowing and stretching, and also serves as a pathway for nerves, blood vessels and lymphatic drainage. It’s no coincidence that during a severe headache you’re likely to want to lay still – this allows the neck and shoulder muscles to have some respite from supporting your head.
The good news is that there are simple ways to ease a headache by relieving pressure points called trigger points in the neck muscles. It’s quick to do yourself and means you don’t have to rely on painkillers to find relief.
Ease Headaches Naturally: Massaging Pressure Points for Symptom Relief
You can soften a pressure point by gently but firmly massaging it for 30 seconds to a minute. It’s normal to reproduce the headache by pushing on these trigger points – this is nothing to worry about. In fact, it shows you’re in the right spot. Regularly easing up your trigger points will lessen headaches over time and the symptoms that often come with them, such as vertigo, tinnitus, nausea and ‘fuzziness’ in your vision. Here are some common trigger points for you to investigate.
Trigger points in the suboccipital muscles can cause pain in the head, neck, shoulders, and upper back:
- Pain in the head: Pain can feel like a headache that spreads to the side of the head, over the occipital and temporal bones. The pain can feel deep in the head and can radiate towards the eye and forehead.
- Pain in the neck and shoulders: Pain can feel like persistent neck pain or stiffness, or pain that radiates to the shoulders or upper back.
- Other symptoms: In severe cases, pain can cause dizziness or visual disturbances
Suboccipital muscles are located at the base of the skull and control head and neck movements. Trigger points in these muscles can be caused by postural abnormalities, such as an excessive forward head position.
To know more about how to release these trigger points, follow these exercises.
Tension at the Base of the Neck? How to Ease Knots Caused by Sitting for Too Long
Your muscles in this area might feel ‘knotty’, like a soft or painful lump. This is most often caused by sitting in a hunched position for hours at a time, which puts pressure on your head. Try massaging this area with both hands, or if it’s too uncomfortable to reach, ask someone to do it for you.
Discover the SCM Muscle: How to Massage This Hidden Neck Muscle for Lasting Relief
This sounds technical, but the sternocleidomastoid muscle is the long branch-like muscle that goes from behind your ear all the way to your collarbone. It’s a difficult muscle to get hold of and may seem almost embedded into your neck. However, the more you massage your SCM, the more it will loosen up and the easier it will be to get hold of it. It’s easier to find if you turn your head and look in a mirror. Unsurprisingly, trigger points in this muscle often develop from repeated movement or just general fatigue in your neck.
Spend time easing up these pressure points for a few minutes every day for at least a week – you will ease tension in your head and neck, making persistent headaches fewer and further between.
Chiropractic Care and Massage: Natural Solutions for Pain Relief
Through soft tissue therapy and spinal manipulation, a chiropractor can relieve the root cause of your headaches. If you fancy something more pampering, a massage will put you in a parasympathetic state, which helps to break the cycle of stress that can trigger migraines and tension headaches.
If you’d like to know more, don’t hesitate to book in with us. We’re always happy to help.