The Best Way To Relieve A Headache (That No One’s Talking About)

The Best Way To Relieve A Headache (That No One’s Talking About)

We often blame headaches on things like prolonged noise, too much screen time and changes in air pressure. While these factors definitely play a part, persistent headaches are very often caused by something simple – overworked neck muscles.  Your neck has to put up with a lot. Not only does it support your skull but…

Chiropractic or Osteopathy or Physiotherapy?

Chiropractic or Osteopathy or Physiotherapy?

Have you ever wondered just what is the difference between these three treatment options? They’re all recognised as effective therapies and share the aim of healing and strengthening the body to alleviate pain. Qualifications in these fields require over 1000 hours of clinical practice and 4-5 years of study for chiropractic and osteopathy and 3…

Your lymphatic system might need some love

Your lymphatic system might need some love

It’s not unusual to feel tired and sore in January. This time of year, we tend to get less exercise and less sunshine, as well as there being an increased incidence of colds and flu. When our mental health isn’t as good as we’d like it to be, back and joint pain often feels worse…

Ease Muscle Tension With A Dr Graeme Massager

Ease Muscle Tension With A Dr Graeme Massager

It’s no secret that most people love a massage, but there’s no reason why it should only be a treat every now and then. We know it’s not always possible to see a professional massage therapist, due to time and money constraints. However, you can pick up a Professional Strength General Purpose Massager by Dr…