How To Avoid the Effects of Ageing on Your Back

How To Avoid the Effects of Ageing on Your Back

Many back problems occur as a normal part of ageing. Spinal discs dry up, becoming less spongy and pliable so they’re not so effective as the shock absorbers between the bones of the back, the vertebrae. This rigidity increases the chance of a disc herniation (a bulging, ruptured or ‘slipped disc’). At our clinic in…

Dynamic Sitting - The Easiest Way To Keep Moving At Work

Dynamic Sitting – The Easiest Way To Keep Moving At Work

Did you know that your spine needs almost constant movement to stay healthy?  Many people think that the spine needs to remain as straight as possible all the time. In fact, it has a natural S-shaped curve of its own. It consists of 33 bones stacked on top of each other, all with joints in…

What You Need To Know About Stretching

What You Need To Know About Stretching

Stretching comes naturally to the human body. Not only does it free up our muscles and improve our flexibility, it also serves as a ‘reset’ to the mind and helps us to become more alert. It feels good, refreshes us and can help us to move more freely.  But is it really the case that…

It’s Time To Stop Back Pain At Work

It’s Time To Stop Back Pain At Work

It’s Happiness At Work Week 2023! It’s time to put a stop to chronic pain in the workplace.  Whether your job is desk-based or physical or somewhere in-between, back pain can strike at any time due to daily habits, posture, lack of exercise or too much heavy-lifting. Many people hesitate to find help as they…

Common Shoulder Pain Symptoms: What You Need to Know

Should you stop exercising if your shoulder hurts? Your shoulder is one of the most complex and overused joints in the body – so should you immobilise it or keep moving? The answer to this depends on the kind of pain you’re experiencing. New activities or exercises can cause your muscles to stiffen and become…