Pain in your jaw? It might be TMJ Disorder 

Pain in your jaw? It might be TMJ Disorder 

Pain in your face or jaw… earache or tinnitus… clicking or crunching sounds when you eat…  our chiropractors in Brighton see these symptoms all the time and they all have something in common – they’re all signs of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder.  Also known as TMJ Disorder or TMJD, this is a common complaint that varies…

Migraines: Don't Suffer In Silence

Migraines: Don’t Suffer In Silence

Migraines are a common problem and you shouldn’t have to put up with them.  The NHS estimates that around 6 million people regularly suffer from debilitating headaches every year. As it’s Migraine Awareness Week 2023, we’re going to explore why they happen and give you some easy, actionable tips to start your road to recovery. …

Blood Pressure and Back Pain - What You Need To Know

Blood Pressure and Back Pain – What You Need To Know

High blood pressure, or hypertension as it’s known, isn’t often a concern when it comes to short-term back pain, but if it sticks around, you can get stuck in a vicious cycle.  When experiencing ongoing pain, electrical signals from your brain regularly stimulate the sympathetic nervous system in your body, especially in and around your…

Ease Muscle Tension With A Dr Graeme Massager

Ease Muscle Tension With A Dr Graeme Massager

It’s no secret that most people love a massage, but there’s no reason why it should only be a treat every now and then. We know it’s not always possible to see a professional massage therapist, due to time and money constraints. However, you can pick up a Professional Strength General Purpose Massager by Dr…

Top tips to avoid back pain when moving house

Top tips to avoid back pain when moving house

Everyone knows that moving house is listed as one of the top 3 most stressful events of anyone’s life, following closely behind  bereavement and marriage.   Having just moved house and recently said “I do” within a month of each other myself I can certainly vouch for that! But taking action to minimise the physical…