Walk Your Way Out Of Pain – Brighton Chiropractor on Why Walking Is Essential For Healing Back Pain

You may have heard that we need to walk 10,000 steps a day. But where does this idea come from?

The answer is a campaign from the 1960’s to advertise the Manpo-kei, otherwise known as the ‘10,000 steps meter’. This was chosen for its simplicity and as a way of marketing a product, but not for its basis in science.

So how much walking should we be doing?

Research has shown that around 4,000 steps a day is beneficial for bone health, flexibility, mood and even longevity. The NHS recommends 30 daily minutes of exercise – and a brisk half-hour walk equates to about that number of steps. Also, it can be as beneficial as a jog.

How can walking ease back pain?

When suffering from back pain, it’s not surprising if all you want to do is rest. However, low-impact exercise is actually one of the best things you can do to improve your symptoms. Often high-impact exercising can be too painful if you’re suffering from spinal issues, so walking is a great option to make sure you maintain flexibility and muscle strength. Here are just some of the ways a daily walk can help your back pain. 

  • It boosts circulation. By increasing blood flow, you’re naturally alleviating stiffness in your back. It also makes it easier for your muscles to relax. If you spend a lot of time sitting down at work for example, it’s a good idea to get up and have a walk around every half an hour just to get your circulation going.


  • It strengthens your bones. Bone is a living tissue and gets stronger with exercise. Walking means that your bones are regularly supporting your weight and become more resilient, lessening the chance of developing osteoporosis and making fractures less likely.


  • Walking is effective even in small doses. If the idea of a long walk sounds intimidating, going for a five or ten minute stroll can be very effective for alleviating back pain. In fact, it’s a good idea to start with short brisk walks and gradually work your way up.  


  • It helps with anxiety and depression. Poor mental health can often make back pain feel worse and even aggravate its symptoms. Going for a short walk every day has been proven to boost well-being and lessen the effects of a low mood. 


If you’re worried about your back pain, don’t hesitate to book an appointment at Sundial. We’re always happy to help you.