Back Pain During Pregnancy - How Chiropractic Treatment Can Help

Back Pain During Pregnancy – How Chiropractic Treatment Can Help

Back pain during pregnancy is a common complaint. It’s usually related to the physical changes that occur in the body as it prepares itself for labour and accommodates your growing baby. Unfortunately, back pain tends to get worse over the course of a pregnancy. A recent systematic review found that the global prevalence of back…

Back Pain In Pregnancy: Can A Chiropractor Help?

Back Pain In Pregnancy: Can A Chiropractor Help?

Pregnancy is a risk factor for back pain – but what can a chiropractor do to help?  We know that up to 72% of pregnant women suffer from back pain and some issues may not resolve satisfactorily. A recent study looked at the correlation between pregnancy, childbirth and functionally-limiting back pain. It found that 85%…