Perfect Posture: Brighton Chiropractor Exposes the Myth

Perfect Posture: Brighton Chiropractor Exposes the Myth

We’ve all heard the importance of good posture, but what does this mean exactly? Read on to find out the truth about the most common posture-related myths out there.  Myth: Most People Have Bad Posture You might have heard that bad posture is a common problem, or even that sitting in a hunched position can…

New research reveals working causes neck and back pain in South East

New research reveals working causes neck and back pain in South East

Hard at work? So is your back. New research reveals working causes neck and back pain for people in the South East of England. As part of the British Chiropractic Association Chiropractic Awareness Week (13 – 19 April) Matthew Bennett from Sundial is urging people to take regular breaks at work to help combat neck…