Perfect Posture: Brighton Chiropractor Exposes the Myth

Perfect Posture: Brighton Chiropractor Exposes the Myth

We’ve all heard the importance of good posture, but what does this mean exactly? Read on to find out the truth about the most common posture-related myths out there.  Myth: Most People Have Bad Posture You might have heard that bad posture is a common problem, or even that sitting in a hunched position can…

Repetitive Strain Injury - Brighton Physio On How To Find Relief At Home 

Repetitive Strain Injury – Brighton Physio On How To Find Relief At Home 

In a world dominated by technology and desk-bound jobs, our bodies often bear the brunt of repetitive strain injuries, also known as RSI. The term RSI encompasses a wide spectrum of conditions that affect soft tissues such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves due to repeated exertions of a body part resulting in pain, weakness,…

5 Ways To Relieve Neck Pain Fast

5 Ways To Relieve Neck Pain Fast

Almost all of us have suffered from sudden neck pain at some point. But there’s no need to panic – neck pain is rarely a sign of something serious. Most of the time, it comes from being locked in an awkward position for too long. Follow these 5 easy steps to find relief.  Stretch carefully.…

5 Top Tips to Prevent Neck Pain At Christmas

5 Top Tips to Prevent Neck Pain At Christmas

It’s very common to feel aches and pains when it’s cold out. This is because we tense up in an effort to keep warm, and we’re also reluctant to get as much exercise as usual. This means that if you suffer from neck pain, winter and Christmas time can be a bit of a struggle.…