We’ve all heard about the benefits of good posture – how it improves everything from spinal health to energy levels, even the appearance of our facial features and our general self-esteem.  When we talk about posture, what we really mean is how we are holding ourselves while standing or sitting. This sounds simple enough, but…

Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D In Wintertime?

Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D In Wintertime?

The clocks are going back an hour on the 30th of October, which means less daylight. Sunshine makes vitamin D in your skin. Vitamin D is essential for bone health, and it’s harder to come by during the darker winter months due to fewer hours of sunshine. The British Nutrition Foundation estimates that 49% of…

Why Walking Is So Important For Improving Back Pain

Why Walking Is So Important For Improving Back Pain

When suffering from back pain, it’s not surprising if all you want to do is rest. However, low-impact exercise is actually one of the best things you can do to improve your symptoms. Often high-impact exercising can be too painful if you’re suffering from spinal issues, so walking is a great option to make sure…