Back pain, will a chiropractor get it better?

Back pain, will a chiropractor get it better?

If you go to see a chiropractor for back pain treatment in Brighton one of the important questions you want answered is “Will  a chiropractor help me get better?”  This is an important question for chiropractors too. If our treatment is not going to be effective we want to refer you quickly to another treatment.…

Is the pop necessary for our chiropractic adjustment to be effective?

Is the pop necessary for our chiropractic adjustment to be effective?

Some people love it, some people hate it but the pop or click associated with chiropractic spinal adjustments or manipulation is thought to be the beneficial bit of chiropractic care by many people. But is this right? If a joint doesn’t pop does this mean the treatment hasn’t worked and you won’t get better. This…

Preventing falls in older people

Preventing falls in older people

A wonderful new study suggests that falls in older people can be prevented by a simple series of exercises. Exercises that work on balance, strength and gait could be helpful. The researchers highlight TaiChi as being a good example of this sort of exercise. If you are concerned about falling yourself or concerned about a…