When most people think of chiropractic care, they imagine spinal adjustments aimed at relieving back or neck pain. Yet, the diaphragm—a crucial but often-overlooked muscle—plays a profound role in posture and spinal health.
It’s your primary breathing muscle, sitting right below your lungs and attached to your ribs and spine. Nearby, the intercostal muscles—those thin bands between your ribs—help to stabilise your chest during breathing.
The Diaphragm-Intercostal Pain Connection
When the diaphragm spasms, it can tug on these intercostal muscles, leading to sharp, localised pain that mimics rib or chest tightness. Spasms can be caused by stress, overexertion, or poor posture (for example, caused by sitting for long periods). The nerve supply for the diaphragm emerges between vertebrae in the neck and so pain signals from your diaphragm may appear in the neck or shoulders. All of these factors can disrupt your posture, leading to compensatory patterns that strain the back.
Matthew Bennett, our principle chiropractor, says, “The diaphragm is one of the most underappreciated muscles in the body. Problems with the diaphragm can lead to pain and dysfunction. But this is quite easy to solve with the right approach.”
Chiropractic Care: The Game Changer
Our chiropractors here at Sundial understand how to assess for issues causing diaphragm pain – for example, by testing for spasm by pressing the ribs. Techniques such as targeted spinal adjustments, soft tissue manipulation and myofascial release can help with issues to do with the diaphragm. The goal? To optimise its function and improve the body’s natural posture and mechanics.
A Breath of Relief
Better diaphragm function also means better breathing, which has cascading effects. Proper breathing patterns reduce tension in the neck and shoulder muscles, alleviating upper back pain. Improved oxygenation can even boost recovery and lower chronic pain sensitivity.
Chiropractic treatment is not just about bones; it’s about integrated body function. By focusing on the diaphragm as part of a comprehensive care plan, chiropractors help patients breathe better, stand taller, and move more freely. It’s a revolutionary approach that makes every breath count toward healing.
If you’d like to take your first steps towards better breathing and improved posture, book in with Sundial today.
Symptoms Arising From the Diaphragm Muscle: Function and Dysfunction – PMC