Physiotherapy is a therapy that makes use of physical techniques to relieve pain and increase mobility. Physiotherapists will often use exercise as a treatment. So here are a few easy physiotherapy exercises for your back, neck and feet that you can do at home to help yourself.
Tips to get the most out of these exercises.
- Repeat each exercise at least 5 times and increase this number over time.
- Remember quality of the movement is better than quantity, so, stay focused on the area of the body you are exercising.
- Slow, smooth movements are best.
Physio exercises to do at home for back pain and neck pain
Physio exercises to do at home for Shoulder Impingement
More physiotherapy exercises to do at home
Back exercises. Many people go to physiotherapists with back pain. Here are two exercises that help to relieve pain and reduce stiffness in the back:
- 1. Lie on your back with both of your legs straight. In this position, bring your left knee up close to your chest. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Return your leg to the straight position. Repeat with the right leg.
- 2. Stand up with your arms on your side. Bend to the left side while slowly sliding your left hand down your left leg. Come back up slowly and relax. Repeat with the right side of your body.
Neck exercises. These are great exercises if your neck is strained from staring at a computer screen all day long. Do these exercises sitting up straight in your chair and do not slouch!.
- 1. Keep your eyes centred on one object directly in front of you, now slowly move your head back. You will now be looking at the roof. Keep your whole body still. Hold this position for 5 seconds and slowly return your head to the start position.
- 2. Keep your eyes centred on one object directly in front of you, now slowly move your head down. You will now be looking at the floor. Keep your whole body still. Hold this position for 5 seconds and slowly return your head to the start position.
- 3. Keep your eyes centred on one object directly in front of you, turn your head to the left, your vision should be in line with your left shoulder. Turn your head as far as you can and hold the position for 5 seconds. Slowly relax as you return your head to the start position.
Foot exercises. Do the following exercises barefoot:
- 1. First write digits 1 to 10 using your toes raised up in the air.
- 2. Sit on a chair, raise your toes and curl them
- 3. Pick up a small piece of cloth off the floor using your toes.
- 4. Still in a sitting position, point your toes and circle your ankles in a slow counter and clockwise motion.
- 5. Stand up from the sitting position and go on tip toe for 5 seconds.
You can even do these exercises at work, so there is no excuse! You’ll be happy with the results. For more information visit our physio page by clicking here.
If you get significant pain on doing these then stop and seek our advice.
I have pain from my lower back right side down to my legs continuous pains like electric twinkling in my legs now it has lasted for four months
Ismail, sorry to hear that. Sign up for our free tips
If the back pain and sciatica gets worse then seek help from a chiropractor or physiotherapist specialising in back pain.