Do you have a balanced diet? In the years that I have been asking that question very few people have acknowledged that their diet is not as good as it could be. Most of us think we eat a fairly good diet even if we have a bit too much sugary stuff or pre-prepared food.
A lot of us are confused about carbohydrates, proteins and fats. What are the good carbs and what should we avoid. Is there such a thing as good fats? How much protein do we really need?
So what constitutes a balanced diet? Here our nutritionist Shirley Ward gives a clearer idea. Click on the link to watch the video.
1 How to Achieve a Balanced Diet
2 How to Achieve a Balanced Diet – Carbohydrates
3 How to Achieve a Balanced Diet – Proteins and Fats
If you would like more help with any aspect of the diet and nutrition discussed here then you can see Shirley for an in-depth consultation. Her details are here